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The styles you love, with pricing for any budget. Bring the room together with the perfect flooring. Find the flooring solution for you. Offering a wide selection of colors, species, constructions, and finishes.
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Home of Quality Products, Excellent Service, Competitive Prices. Looking for hand-scraped walnut flooring.
1241 Ridgeway Avenue, Rochester NY 14615. Rochester, NY Hardwood Flooring Sales and Installation. Discover Hardwood Flooring and Design is a Rochester based. Owner operated establishment, providing quality residential and commercial hardwood floor renovations. We offer a wide variety of services specializing in the restoration and refinishing. Check Out Our Commercial! .
If you no longer wish to receive our emails containing news, updates and promotions from firstclass enter your email below and submit. Your message has been sent. Subscribe to our mailing list. Welcome to First Class Floors. How are wax or penetrating-stain finishes maintained? How can I clean a discolored or soiled wax finish? .
Your browser does not support inline frames or is currently configured not to display inline frames. Providing exceptional service for you is our daily goal - prompt, personal and professional. Our great service is the result of wanting to know about Your business so that we can do the best job possible with our experienced staff available whenever you call, we will meet or exceed your needs.
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